Organizational learning is undergoing a significant transformation. With the continuous evolution of technology and shifting workforce dynamics, forward-thinking learning strategies and skills development have become more crucial than ever.

In this article, we’ll delve into the top priorities for organizational learning strategies in 2023.

The Changing Landscape of Organizational Learning

The world of work is changing rapidly, and the way we learn needs to change with it. In the past, organizations could get away with providing employees with one-size-fits-all training programs. But today, employees need personalized learning experiences that are tailored to their individual needs and learning styles.

The widening skills gap is also causing a real headache for businesses trying to find and keep the right talent. In a survey of 600 HR professionals in the U.S., 69% reported a skills gap in their company – that’s a jump from 55% in a similar survey they did in 2021. Moreover, nearly half of the companies surveyed said they couldn’t fill at least 10% of their open positions. This number jumped to 20% for companies struggling with a skills gap.

Top Priorities for Learning Strategies

Digital transformation has become essential for organizational learning. More and more work is being done online, and employees need to be able to learn and use digital technologies effectively. 

In addition, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are considered top priority skills in 2023, with two in five employers reporting it as the most sought-after skill in the UK job market. This viewpoint is particularly strong among business leaders; 75% of business chairpersons and 71% of business partners hold the belief that AI skills carry the most worth in the current job market.

The skills gap is widening, and organizations need to upskill and reskill their workforce in order to stay competitive. This means identifying the critical skills needed for success in the future and developing training programs to develop these skills.

In light of these changes, the top priorities for learning strategies in the year ahead are:

  • Digital transformation: Organizations must prioritize the digital transformation of learning by investing in digital learning platforms and content, and by providing employees with the support they need to learn and adapt to new technologies.
  • Personalized learning: Organizations must cater to the diverse learning needs and styles of employees by providing personalized learning experiences that are tailored to individual needs.
  • Skills development: Organizations must focus on upskilling and reskilling their workforce by identifying the critical skills needed for success in the future, and developing training programs to develop these skills.

Essential Skills for the Future

According to the World Economic Forum, the top 10 skills of 2023 are: 

  1. Analytical thinking 
  2. Creative thinking 
  3. Resilience, flexibility and agility 
  4. Motivation and self-awareness 
  5. Curiosity and lifelong learning 
  6. Technological literacy 
  7. Dependability and attention to detail 
  8. Empathy and active listening 
  9. Leadership and social influence 
  10. Quality Control 

As well as technical skills,  people skills are seen as equally important according to a report conducted by Fosway. The insights are drawn from Fosway’s annual Digital Learning Realisitis research, in association with Learning Technologies. Surveying L&D and HR  teams, they ranked their top priorities for their organisation to develop:

Top skills for 2023

Organizations can help employees develop these essential skills by providing training programs, mentorship, and on-the-job learning experiences.

The Role of Leaders in Shaping Learning Strategies and Skills Development

Leaders play a pivotal role in shaping effective learning strategies and fostering skills development. They set the tone for a learning culture, model continuous learning, and provide resources and support for learning initiatives.

To drive these initiatives, leaders can:

  • Communicate the importance of learning: Leaders should communicate the importance of learning to employees and explain how it can help them achieve their individual and professional goals. 
  • Provide opportunities for skills development: Leaders should provide employees with opportunities to develop their skills through training programs, mentorship, and on-the-job learning experiences. 
  • Recognize and reward learning efforts: Leaders should recognize and reward employees for their learning efforts. This shows that the organization values learning and encourages employees to continue learning and growing.


The future of work calls for a significant transformation in organizational learning. As the skills gap widens and the nature of work evolves, businesses need to adopt forward-thinking learning strategies and invest in skills development. Top priorities include digital transformation, personalized learning, and skills development, with a focus on digital literacy, problem-solving, critical thinking, and adaptability. 

Leaders play a crucial role in driving these initiatives by communicating the importance of learning, providing opportunities for skills development, and recognizing learning efforts. The rise of AI further underscores the need for upskilling, making it a sought-after skill in the job market. 

Therefore, organizations must prioritize these strategies to stay competitive, keeping in mind that one-size-fits-all training programs are a thing of the past. The future calls for personalized learning experiences tailored to individual needs.

For further guidance on empowering your team with impactful learning opportunities, reach out to a member of the Hive Learning team.

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