Sales enablement—it’s one of those terms that gets thrown around a lot, but what does it really mean? 

In simple terms, sales enablement is about giving your sales team the tools, resources, and support they need to be more effective. Whether that’s training, content, coaching, or even the right technology, it’s about making sure they’re prepared to have productive conversations with prospects and close deals.

But, sales enablement is more than just handing over a shiny new tech stack or running through a one-time training. It’s a continuous, evolving process designed to meet the changing needs of sales teams (and the market). 

Think of it as a gym membership for your sales skills—you don’t just sign up, you have to keep showing up and working out those sales muscles.

The Essentials of Sales Enablement

  1. Training isn’t the be-all, end-all: Yes, training is important, but it doesn’t solve everything. Some sales managers tend to think any dip in performance can be fixed with more training. But here’s the thing—sometimes the problem isn’t lack of knowledge; it might be a lack of motivation, poor process management, or even bad habits.
  2. Don’t rely solely on technology: Technology alone isn’t the silver bullet. Sure, AI can help automate tasks or make it easier to access data, but without the human element—like ongoing coaching—your team won’t hit their full potential. 
  3. Tailor to your team’s needs: Sales enablement isn’t one-size-fits-all. What works for one company (or even one salesperson) may not work for another. The goal? Give customers what they actually need, not just what you think they need.
  4. It’s not just for newbies: Sales enablement isn’t just about onboarding new hires. Ongoing coaching and development is crucial for long-term success. Even the most experienced reps need a coach. Olympians have them, so why not your top salespeople? 

Busting Some Myths

One of the biggest misconceptions about sales enablement is that it’s just about content or training. But, as we’ve seen, it’s much broader than that. Whether it’s solving bottlenecks in communication, improving processes, or adapting to market changes, sales enablement touches nearly every part of the sales process.

Another myth? That enablement stops once the initial onboarding is done. In reality, the real magic happens after. Ongoing coaching and feedback loops are essential. It’s not just about passing an initial test, iIt’s about continuous learning and improvement, not just checking a box.

The Real Goal

The goal of sales enablement isn’t just to close more deals—it’s about closing better deals, faster. 

It’s about creating a scalable process that helps your team adapt to new challenges and opportunities as they arise. It’s not just about throwing more training or tools at the problem; it’s about aligning enablement efforts with real, business-driven metrics. That way, you’re not just training for the sake of training—you’re making a tangible impact on revenue.

In a nutshell, sales enablement is your secret weapon for creating a high-performing, adaptable sales team. It’s the combination of training, tools, and support that helps your reps go from good to great.

Oh, and one last thing—sales enablement isn’t a magic spell. It takes time, effort, and a little bit of trial and error. 

Want to dive deeper into Sales Enablement and hear how industry leaders like Jiminny, G2, Fospha, Getty Images, SumUp, ScaleWise, and 1Mind are doing it?

Check out the best takeaways from our Innovate to Win Summit 2024—full of practical insights to boost your sales game.

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