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Hive Perform - Mini eBook - AI in Sales (US).pptx

eBook: AI in Sales - Turning Big Promises Into Big Wins

AI could potentially free up 4.5 hours per week for sales teams. Learn how to make AI work for your team and get real results.

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Hive Learning Mini eBook (UK) Sales Enablement The Struggle Is Real.pptx

eBook: Sales Enablement - The Struggle Is Real

What are the challenges blocking sales reps from meeting their targets and why is revenue everyone’s problem - not just sales?

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Hive Learning Mini e Book (US) - Part 2 Beyond Training How Systems and Behavior Shape L&D

eBook: Beyond Training: How Systems and Behavior Shape L&D [Part 2]

Understanding systems and behavior, that's where the real work often begins in learning interventions. Where should your planning start?

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Hive Learning Mini eBook (US) - Part 1 Beyond Books How Behavioral Learning Shapes L&D

eBook: Beyond Books: How Behavioral Learning Shapes L&D [Part 1]

Behavioural learning theory. Sounds fancy, but it's pretty straightforward. Understand what motivates learners for effective L&D strategies.

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Dan's LX Journey

Dan’s AI Journey: Real Talk from Hive Learning’s LX Expert

An exclusive interview with Dan, the Content Design and Delivery Practice Lead at Hive Learning, about how AI is changing the game for his team...

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Hive Learning - Mini eBook (US) PART 2 Hungry for Learning – But How Hungry

eBook: Hungry for Learning – But How Hungry? [Part 2]

Jenny Perrott, Senior Manager, Leadership and Organization Development at TSB Bank shares her insights on balancing quick learning bites with...

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Hive Learning - Mini eBook (US) PART 1 Snack or Banquet How Learning is Getting a Makeover

eBook: Snack or Banquet? How Learning is Getting a Makeover

Discover why today's learners often prefer quick, bite-sized content and how to make learning more personalized and engaging.

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Hive Learning - Mini eBook 4 (US) Keeping Up with Learners LX Team Edition.pptx

Keeping Up with Learners - LX Team Edition

Ditch the old-school learning methods. This mini eBook shows how LX teams are embracing flexible, on-demand learning to meet the needs of...

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Hive Learning - Mini eBook A Guide to Selecting Your Learning Solution (US))

A Guide to Selecting Your Learning Solution

Selecting the right learning solution is tough, but asking the right questions can simplify the process. Our mini-guide helps you see how Hive...

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Hive Learning - Mini eBook Building a Business Case for Your Learning Solution (US)

Building a Business Case for your learning solution

Confused about which HR tech is worth your time and how to prove its value? This mini eBook helps you make a clear and simple business case...

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Mini eBook - The Reign of Content and the Rise of Context

The Reign of Content and the Rise of Context

Cut through content overload with learning that makes sense. Find out how to turn information into practical knowledge, tailored for your...

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What is Agile Good for in L&D?

Chris Hall, Senior L&D Manager at MacMillan Cancer Support has joined us in a guest blog series to share his experience rolling out Agile with...

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Tactics for Quickly Onboarding New Sales Talent

We’ve all been there - you’re excited to onboard your new sales team member and get them hitting the ground running. Except it takes weeks,...

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Why Follow Ups are Your Secret Weapon in Sales – and How to Do Them Right

Top sales professionals know that the follow-up is often where the real work happens. Many deals fall through not because of a lack of...

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Avoid These 7 Common Sales Mistakes – And Win More Deals

Sometimes in Sales the obstacles we face aren’t as monumental as they seem—they’re often small, overlooked mistakes that have a big impact...

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Sales Agility 101: Guiding Your Sales Team to Rapid Product Knowledge

Your products are changing, you’ve got multiple new products and features launching constantly, and we know how hard it can be to help your...

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How embracing Agile can improve your L&D practice

Chris Hall, Senior L&D Manager at MacMillan Cancer Support joins us for a guest blog series to reflect on our recent Agile L&D webinar with...

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9 L&D Trends to Watch

Learn more about the top 9 L&D trends to watch (and better still, embrace!) as we roll towards Q4 and 2025.

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Discovering Multimodal AI in Learning and Development

In recent months, you may have heard the phrase ‘multimodal AI’ in Learning & Development, you also might not - and that’s okay too! The...

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Implementing Agile Strategies: A Guide for L&D Professionals

Hive Learning’s recent session with Natal Dank offered a deep dive into Agile L&D strategies with a focus on Natal’s newest book Agile L&D,...

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Webinar Highlights: Embracing Agility: Transforming L&D for the Future of Work

Remember when smartphones were the hot new thing and everyone was scrambling to get one? That’s where we are with AI today. Except, instead of...

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Why You Need to Start Learning About AI Right Now (No, Seriously)

Remember when smartphones were the hot new thing and everyone was scrambling to get one? That’s where we are with AI today. Except, instead of...

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How Smart Tech is Cutting Costs and Boosting Profits

Organizations are always looking for ways to streamline operations and boost profits. Enter smart technology—AI, machine learning, and other...

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Public Perceptions of AI blog

Public Perception & the Love-Hate Relationship with AI

There’s one thing that has been buzzing around a lot lately - Artificial Intelligence aka AI. You know, that thing in sci-fi movies that's...

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Responsible AI in Learning and Development: A Call to Action for L&D Professionals

We often get asked when talking about using AI in the context of L&D - “how can we ensure AI is used responsibly?”

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Webinar Highlights: Reskilling for the Future: A Leadership Blueprint for Change

Tim Munden, former Chief Learning Officer at Unilever shared his insights into why leadership stands at the crux of steering successful change...

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Understanding the Value of Integrations in Learning Technologies

Curious about the value of integrations in learning technologies? Hive Learning's Technical Success Manager outlined the value recently

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Rookie to Ready

Rookie to Ready: Laying the Foundation for AI

Ever feel like the job market's moving at the speed of light and you're stuck trying to catch up? You're not alone.  As tech evolves, the...

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Tim Munden Webinar Highlights

Webinar Highlights: Reskilling for the Future: A Leadership Blueprint for Change

We wrapped up a fantastic webinar with Tim Munden, former Chief Learning Officer at Unilever and Director at Kairon and Fabrizio Conrado, Chief...

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GenAI Hype

Cutting Through the GenAI Hype

There's a buzz around AI, and especially around GenAI, that's capturing the attention of industries worldwide. It's easy to get caught up in the...

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Stuck in Static Learning? How to Scale Up L&D for Your Financial Services Team

Priorities have shifted quickly in Financial Services, and agility, something not often seen in the industry is now a critical factor for...

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Balancing Innovation and Learning Experience: A spotlight on AI in L&D by Donald H. Taylor and Egle Vinauskaite

Having been at Learning Technologies recently, it’s clear that not everyone feels the same way about AI in L&D

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Learning Design

The AI-Advanced Workplace: Shaping a New Era of Learning at Work

Imagine harnessing AI for a 66% uplift in employee productivity. [Source: Boston Consulting Group, 2023]. AI's expanding role goes beyond...

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The AI-Advanced Workplace: Shaping a New Era of Learning at Work

Growing up and living in Florida, it’s not uncommon for folks to spend their weekend mornings washing and polishing their cars in preparation...

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Hive Learning at Learning Technologies

The AI-Advanced Workplace: Shaping a New Era of Learning at Work

At Learning Technologies 2024 the exchange of ideas was as intense and invigorating as ever. Hive Learning spoke to over 100 L&D professionals,...

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C-Suite in Conversation with Laura Keith and Fabrizio Conrado: Tackling Today's L&D Challenges with Human-Centric AI

In a recent webinar, Hive Learning ignited a timely conversation about the pressing challenges and transformative shifts in the learning and...

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3 priorities for business leaders

Insurance: 3 priorities for business leaders that L&D should know

The insurance landscape is experiencing a significant transformation, driven by evolving market dynamics, regulatory changes, and technological...

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Thriving Remotely: The Unfolding Chapter and Its L&D Narrative

Have you ever wondered how today's most successful organisations manage their remote teams with such finesse that it seems like they’re all...

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Agile L&D

Agility Achieved: Shaping a Workforce Ready for Tomorrow

Did you know that 40% of CEOs believe their companies will not be economically viable in a decade if they fail to innovate? This statistic...

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Reskill or Buying Skills

Building or Buying Skills: A Leadership Dilemma

When it comes to developing talent within an organization, the options can seem like a fork in the road: do you invest in the people you already...

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Tackling Disengagement and Building Skills for Tomorrow

Amidst a backdrop of economic uncertainty, a crisis of employee disengagement looms, silently reducing productivity and signaling a need for a...

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2024 Skills Forecast: Tackling the Global Skills Gap with Human-Centric Learning

Imagine a world where communication trumps coding, where empathy edges out engineering, and where collaboration competes with computing power....

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Harnessing AI in L&D: A Strategy for Real-World Impact

In a world where nearly half of the workforce will need reskilling by 2025, the role of Learning and Development (L&D) has never been more...

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AI and the Transformation of Learning Design: Unleashing Human Potential

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the role of a learning designer is undergoing a significant transformation. Artificial...

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Breaking Out of Your AI Pilot Phase: A Guide for L&D Professionals

Are you finding it challenging to move beyond the AI pilot phase? You're not alone.  Many organizations are exploring AI tools, but making...

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Navigating Tomorrow: Unveiling Trends for 2024 and Beyond

As we prepare to welcome 2024, it's time to delve into the L&D & HR trends set to revolutionize the workplace. The future points towards a...

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The Future of Work: Harnessing the Power of Human-Centered AI in L&D

The world of work is changing rapidly, and at the heart of this transformation is artificial intelligence (AI).  But what if we told you...

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Unlocking the Future: Insights from the AI Safety Summit

The landscape of work is changing rapidly. As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to advance, it's revolutionizing the way we work,...

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Unlocking the Future: Insights from the AI Safety Summit

The winds of change are blowing through the world of work, and artificial intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of this transformation. The...

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Navigating the AI Era in L&D: Unmasking Myths and Harnessing Power

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various industries, including learning and...

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Cracking the Code: A New Approach to Measuring L&D Impact

In the ever-changing world of Learning and Development (L&D), demonstrating the Return on Investment (ROI) of learning initiatives poses a...

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Embracing AI in Learning: Ethical & Privacy Considerations

Did you know that the worldwide AI market is now predicted to grow by $120 billion by 2025? With so much buzz in the air, it's no surprise that...

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The Road to Becoming a Skills-Based Organization

Imagine a workplace where employees are valued not for their job titles, but for the unique skills they bring to the table. This is the vision...

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Gen AI: The Ultimate Productivity Hack

With new AI tools emerging every day, and shifting workforce dynamics, do you ever feel like you’re always playing catch-up? Your team is...

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Future-Proofing Your Organization: Top Priority Learning Strategies and Skills in 2023

Organizational learning is undergoing a significant transformation. With the continuous evolution of technology and shifting workforce dynamics,...

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Unlocking Potential: Upskilling Deskless Workers in the Age of Gen AI

Deskless workers are often on the frontline of an organization’s success, but they are not always able to access the same educational...

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Learning Strategy

Enhancing Employee Retention through Upskilling

Upskilling, particularly through a contextualized approach, is an effective strategy for enhancing employee retention and driving organizational...

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Bridging the Skills Gap in Financial Services: Unlocking Future Skills

As the financial services sector evolves at a breakneck pace, the demand for a diverse set of skills is on the rise. However, a considerable...

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Is the Job Title Dead? Skills-Based Approaches to L&D

Have you heard a job title recently and thought, “What on earth does that mean?”? If so, you’re not alone. In today’s rapidly changing...

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Skills on the Tills

‘Skills on the tills’ is the ‘new scores on the doors’ for retailers. With 50% of employees requiring reskilling and upskilling...

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Data increase

Empowering L&D: The AI Evolution from Gen AI to Synth AI

The first wave of AI was all about Generative AI (Gen AI) and focussed on how it could produce more in a shorter amount of time, but now we’re...

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Learning Strategy

Navigating Budget & Resource Constraints: Strengthening L&D Programs with AI

In today's dynamic business landscape, Learning and Development plays a pivotal role in ensuring a skilled and adaptable workforce. The AI...

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Learning Strategy

Mastering the Future of Work: Transitioning to a Systemic HR Approach

The HR industry is facing an unprecedented shift. With the advancement of AI and the rapid development of technology, the focus has shifted away...

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Gen AI and Sustainability

Have you thought about how using generative AI will affect the sustainability of your company? There’s a lot of energy that goes into Gen AI....

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Gen AI and Leadership

If you're anything like us, you're curious about the world of Gen AI and what it can do to optimise your business. So, as a busy leader, how can...

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Gen AI and DEI

Generative AI, such as Chat GPT and Google Bard, are built on something called Large Language Models (LLMs). They’re built by giving a program...

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Are hybrid teams productive?

The What and Why of Gen-AI

Are you excited or nervous about the potential of generative artificial intelligence (gen AI)? Maybe you're avoiding it altogether or you can't...

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DEI Economic Downturn Graphic

Hot Take - How do we keep DEI’s seat at the table in an economic downturn

During an economic downturn, leaders are going to have more on their plate than they’ve ever had before. Organizational resources are...

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The familiarity of face-to-face

The familiarity of face-to-face

The office is familiar, but not everyone is eager to return. If we aren't conscious about return to work policies, we risk losing top talent.

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Are hybrid teams productive?

Are hybrid teams productive?

How can we know if our remote employees are being productive if we can't see them working? Let's examine some productivity concerns and how to...

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Fact or fiction? (Quiz)

Fact or fiction? (Quiz)

Now that we've looked at some myths, can you tell hybrid fact from hybrid fiction?

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Workout: Myth-Matched

Workout: Myth-Matched

Get to know your team's understanding of hybrid work by running this team exercise.

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DEI Pulse Report Banner Image

State of DEI Pulse Report 2022

We've interviewed 30 of the best and brightest DEI leaders across to globe to see what's on their minds and what trends we should all be looking...

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Hive Learning News Banner


Introducing our Microsoft Integrations Suite — helping busy learners keep culture change top of mind 

Want to create a seamless, connected development experience? Find out how we're helping organizations make it happen.

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North America's D&I Leaders 2022 Banner


North America’s Most Influential D&I Leaders 2021-2022

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Hive Learning and Place2Be win the Gold Award for ‘Best learning technologies project - public & non-profit sector’ at the 2022 Learning Technologies Awards

London, 17th November 2022: Place2Be — a children's mental health charity with over 25 years' experience working with pupils, families and...

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Top 40 heads of Leadership Banner


Global Top 40 Head of Leadership Development in Finance 2023

Our list spans leaders driving innovation in the leadership development space across the globe. In our challenging economic environment, nowhere...

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Global Top 10 Talent Leaders in Finance 2023

Our list spans leaders driving innovation in the Talent Leadership space across the globe. In our challenging economic environment, nowhere is...

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Core challenger quadrant blog banner


Hive Learning advances to Core Leader Zone in Fosway 9 Grid™ for Digital Learning, underscoring its position as a major disruptor in corporate learning

Hive Learning, the digital learning platform for delivering high impact learning programmes at scale, has earned Core Leader status in the...

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Core challenger quadrant blog banner


Hive Learning progresses in Core Challenger quadrant of the 2022 Fosway 9-Grid™

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International Women's Day 2022

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Coworker - Times in Crisis Banner

How to reach out to coworkers during times of crisis

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Tips on Empathy in Times of Crisis

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Compassion to Coworkers Banner

How to show compassion to coworkers during times of crisis

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Reflect & Encourage blog Banner Img

How DEI leaders can support psychological safety of BIPOC people

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Black History Months blog banner

Hive Learning Celebrates Black History Month 2022

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Black wellness & health blog banner

Effect of Covid-19 is Having on Black Wellness and Health

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Small actions to stay connected

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Get your hybrid meeting rhythm right

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Balancing life and work with a hybrid schedule

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DEI Pulse Report Banner Image

How to be fair in a hybrid world

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Ways to build Trust banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Six tiny ways to build trust

Academic Brené Brown's research found that trust isn't earned through sweeping, grand gestures. Trust is built in very small moments.

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Diversity and Inclusion

Is choosing to be silent a form of privilege?

It's natural to feel uncomfortable talking about difficult subjects. But is choosing comfort and avoiding difficult conversations a form of...

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Help your whole Team banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Help your whole team to be their whole selves

Most workplaces have some sort of in-group. And everyone is aware — consciously or subconsciously — of what defines who's more likely to be...

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Talking about diversity Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

What stops you from talking about diversity?

Talking about diversity still makes many of us uncomfortable. But starting these discussions is important.

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Diversity and Inclusion

How to be antiracist and self-educate

Antiracism is actively doing your part to understand, identify and change problems that contribute to racial injustice.

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Elevate voices in Meeting Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Elevate all voices from the start in meetings

It’s important to give everyone in the meeting a voice from the start, even if that’s a simple round of intros.

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Diversity and Inclusion

Everyday practices for psychologically safe teams

To include everyone in a team, we have to welcome their contributions. This starts with a certain type of trust: psychological safety.

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Amplifying the impact of peer learning with our Microsoft Teams integration

According to Josh Bersin, the average learner has just  24 minutes a week to spend on learning. But we think the reality is that today it’s...

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Product releases 2021 news Banner

New Product Releases

New product releases for July 2021

From here on out, every month we’ll be bringing you a round-up of the newest and most interesting product updates we’ve been working on....

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Digital Communication Banner

Being inclusive in your digital communications

How inclusive is your online communication? Small changes to late-night emails, the media you read and share, and your email signature can build...

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Diversity and Inclusion

Listen: ‘Managers talk strategy, leaders tell stories’

To understand someones lived experience, you have to listen to their stories and share your own.

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Diversity and Inclusion

Listen: The formula for being a great ally

The vast majority of people are well-intentioned and want to be inclusive - but various factors hold them back from stepping up to be an ally

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Diversity and Inclusion

Listen: Motivating allyship

The vast majority of people are well-intentioned and want to be inclusive - but various factors hold them back from stepping up to be an ally

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Diversity and Inclusion

Listen: What is allyship, plus some cautions & caveats for allies

Allyship is critical for building inclusive culture at work. In this episode, we explore what allyship is and some cautions and caveats that...

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Mental Health Innovation - Hive learning

Mental Health

Why the way we support employee mental health is broken

We’ve collaborated to design a program that combines Hive Learning’s peer learning methodology with Mental Health Innovation’s proven...

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Coworker - Times in Crisis Banner

Mental Health

(Sample) Validations & positive points: Validation as a first line of response

This resource forms part of Mental Health Works, a digital program developed together with Mental Health Innovations, the UK's leading digital...

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Validations & positive points banner

Mental Health

(Sample) Validations & positive points: How to get validations right

This resource forms part of Mental Health Works, a digital program developed together with Mental Health Innovations, the UK's leading digital...

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Reactions to Validations blog Banner

Mental Health

(Sample) Validations & positive points: Try this — observe reactions to validations

This resource forms part of Mental Health Works, a digital program developed together with Mental Health Innovations, the UK's leading digital...

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Reflect & Encourage blog Banner Img

Mental Health

Reflect & encourage: Reflect feelings to test understanding

This resource forms part of Mental Health Works, a digital program developed together with Mental Health Innovations, the UK's leading digital...

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Employee's Mental Health Img

Mental Health

Hive Learning and Mental Health Innovations launch a new digital training program to help employers better support employee’s mental health

Hive Learning has partnered with the UK’s leading digital mental health charity — Mental Health Innovations (MHI) — to launch Mental...

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Reflect & Encourage blog Img

Mental Health

Reflect & encourage: Try this — Keep up two conversations by reflecting and encouraging

This resource forms part of Mental Health Works, a digital program developed together with Mental Health Innovations, the UK's leading digital...

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Reflect & Encourage blog Banner

Mental Health

Reflect & encourage: Turn a conversation into a way forward

This resource forms part of Mental Health Works, a digital program developed together with Mental Health Innovations, the UK's leading digital...

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Mary Meeker's 2018 Banner


10 lessons from Mary Meeker’s 2018 Trends Report that learning leaders need to know about

Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends Report leaves no stone unturned, as the KPCB partner analyses the behaviours of the world’s 3.4 billion...

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Problematic Language - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Set expectations: Address problematic language

This is an Inclusion Works Workout — an interactive session guide to help teams foster a more inclusive culture. We’re sharing this Workout...

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Guide on Diversity Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Your guide to talking about diversity

Most people are well-meaning when it comes to diversity and inclusion. But often, caring deeply isn’t enough. We have to practice inclusive...

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Guide on Feedback - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Your 2-minute guide to giving feedback

Biased feedback gets in the way of inclusive career progression. It’s important to know how to give it, how to receive it, and be...

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Diversity and Inclusion

Why Your Workplace Needs To Add “Belonging” To Their Diversity and Inclusion Program

In this interview, we spoke with Asif Sadiq, Head of Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging at The Telegraph. You don’t see the title of...

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Diversity and Inclusion

Why your employer brand is critical for attracting diverse talent (and why you might be getting it wrong)

An Exclusive Interview with Gamiel Yafai, Managing Director at Diversity Marketplace.

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D&I Department news Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Why Your D&I Department Won’t Succeed Alone

An Exclusive Interview with Tiffany Edwards, Engagement and Inclusion Director at Droga5.

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Mental Health Care Blog Banner

Mental Health

Why you should care about mental health

Even if you don’t know it, it’s likely that someone close to you has experienced a mental health issue. In any given year, 1 in 4...

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Diversity and Inclusion

Why Work/Life Integration Doesn’t Mean Your Career Is on the “B-Track”

In this interview, we spoke with Suzanne McGovern, Chief Diversity Officer at Splunk where she shared some of her struggles with work/life...

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Pshycological Safety - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Why psychological safety is a critical path to inclusion

Business problems today are far too complex for any one person to solve. That’s why the most effective leaders — rather than relying solely...

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Thinking about people blog Banner Img

Diversity and Inclusion

Why it’s best to be an ally in training

This is part one of a three-part series about how to be a better ally. Understand the mindset of an ‘ally in training’ and get to grips with...

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Hiring Process Blog - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Why hiring for culture fit is misguided

You need to be aware of your biases throughout the hiring process, especially when making a final decision or taking a candidate out of the...

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Change your Culture - Bannner

Diversity and Inclusion

Why Changing Your Values Won’t Change Your Culture

An Exclusive Interview with Sonja Gittens Ottley, Head of Diversity and Inclusion at Asana

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Blind Audition - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

What’s a “blind audition”?

📝 How are you hiring? After you attract the right talent to apply to work for your business, you need to minimize the chance of bias seeping...

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Become a better Ally blog banner

Diversity and Inclusion

What “The Only” Experience Really Feels Like & How to Become a Better Ally

An Exclusive Interview with Stephanie Foster, Product Manager at Fiserv In the D&I community we often talk about how difficult “the only”...

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Diversity and Inclusion

What is racism? And what is systemic racism?

This piece is part of a series on systemic racism that’s a small part of Hive Learning’s Inclusion Works program. Here’s why we encourage...

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What is Inclusion News banner

Diversity and Inclusion

What is inclusion?

👏 We’re glad you asked. The difference between “diversity” and “inclusion” isn’t immediately obvious, but the nuance between...

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Microaggresion Blog - Header Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

What are microaggressions?

The way our bias leaks out is through everyday microaggressions: seemingly minor slights, exclusions, messages, looks, jokes or quips to someone...

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Measure Worker Success Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

We’re Using the Wrong Bar to Measure Worker Success

An Exclusive Interview with Fiona Smith and Katy Murray, Co-Founders of Catalyst Collective

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Disability Pay Gap - Banner

Mental Health

Wellbeing Works Workout: Share your Mental Health Guide

Would you know what to watch out for if a colleague was struggling with their mental health?

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Obsession with Microaggression - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Wait – isn’t this obsession with microaggressions too PC?

There are objections abound when it comes to microaggressions: from the idea that it’s a “first world problem” to that it’s too...

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Future of DEI Blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Unpack invisible privileges

Both privilege and oppression shape the way you interact with the world or, more accurately, how the world interacts with you.

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Understand your privilege Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Understand your privilege

Understanding your privilege is often cited as a first and fundamental step in becoming an ally. Here’s what that actually means.

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Diversity and Inclusion

Trump’s executive order on DEI training is in place until January at least; here’s what it means

On September 22nd US President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping, banning certain types of diversity...

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Diversity and Inclusion

Top tips to strip bias out of your talent practices

Signals about your inclusiveness are hidden in plain sight in job adverts, marketing materials and messages about your culture. It’s important...

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Tiny Habits - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Tiny habits: hear all voices in meetings

Feeling that your voice is heard is an important part of feeling included in a team.

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Creative Abrasion - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Tiny habits: foster creative abrasion

The way that innovative teams generate great ideas is through a process and a culture known as creative abrasion, where ideas are productively...

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conversations about diversity & inclusion News Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Three ways to have bolder conversations about diversity and inclusion

Conversations about diversity don’t stop at hearing about someone’s personal identity. Productive, eye-opening and fascinating conversations...

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Diversity and Inclusion

The way forward

This piece is part of a series on systemic racism that’s a small part of Hive Learning’s Inclusion Works program. Here’s why we encourage...

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Guide to Inclusive Onboarding - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

The ultimate guide to inclusive onboarding

⏰ Think about the last time you had a first day at work. How did you feel? You might remember feeling anxious, excited, or filled with...

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Tech Skills Gap blog - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

The Tech Skills Gap and How Inclusion Can Solve It

An Exclusive Interview with Jaqueline de Rojas, president of Tech UK and one of the most influential women in tech in the UK.

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Paradox of Comfort - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

The surprising paradox of comfort and psychological safety

Psychological safety, a term coined and defined by Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson, is a belief that you will not be punished or...

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Remarkable Example of D & I Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

The Remarkable Example of Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging

An Exclusive Interview with Natalie Sigona, Head of Global Diversity and Inclusion at BAE Systems

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Problem with Labels Blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

The Problem With Labels & The Right To Offend

An Exclusive Interview with Denise McQuaid, Customer and Innovation Director at Connor HR Consultancy

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Hindering Change - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

The Neutral Middle Is Hindering Change

An Exclusive Interview with Marissa Ellis, Founder of Diversily and creator of the Change Canvas.

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Antiracist blog Banner Img

Diversity and Inclusion

The moment DEI became everyone’s responsibility

2020 threw plenty of curveballs at organizations and DEI teams. COVID-19 created new and urgent people needs while putting many companies on...

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Leadership Development Banner


The future of leadership development

This is part of the Hive Learning pulse report, State of Leadership 2021. In this section, we look at how organizations can effectively and...

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The four keys to building a feedback culture

Feedback fuels continuous improvement. We all have blind spots. We rely on our colleagues to help us see those, to help us fulfill our greatest...

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Blog Disability Pay Gap - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

The disability pay gap hiding in plain sight

We’ve talked a lot about the gender and ethnicity pay gaps, and it’s been enlightening to see the data shared by companies on both sides of...

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Business Case for D & I - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

The business case for D&I

Diversity is good for business. Not just for the obvious reasons, like because it’s the right thing to do. There’s a raft of research that...

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Mental Health

Taking care of your own mental health

Turn on the TV, radio or chat to a friend, and what’s the first thing that comes up? Probably COVID-19.

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State of Leadership 2021

2021 brings hope. A vaccine, equity emerging at the heart of the new US government’s policy, and the prospect that we may (at some point) head...

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Speak up, Not Over Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Speak up, not over

This is part three of a three-part series about how to be a better ally. Understand the mindset of an ‘ally in training’ and get to grips...

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Pragmatic Feminism Blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Smashing The Glass Wall with Pragmatic Feminism

An Exclusive Interview with the authors of The Glass Wall, Kathyrn Jacob OBE and Sue Unerman Women are still under-represented in the executive...

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Political debate Blog - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Set ground rules for political debate at work

A quick glance at the 2020 U.S. election results map will show you that whichever side you were on in the election, there are plenty of people...

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Session Guide - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Session guide: Build psychological safety in your team

📌 What do we mean by trust & psychological safety? Trust is the essential starting point for true inclusion in your team.

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Critical Agility Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Scenarios: how to use your privilege

From a very young age, we’re taught about fairness. But we are rarely taught that treating everyone the same isn’t fair. Think of it...

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Diversity and Inclusion

Resources hub for learning about people with disabilities

There’s an easy and fulfilling way to self-educate about disabilities and the diverse experiences of people that have them.

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Racism in The UK blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Reni Eddo-Lodge on systemic racism in the UK

This discussion guide is designed to get you and your colleagues learning and talking about racism and the Black British experience. This guide...

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Reduce Stigma blog Banner

Mental Health

Reduce stigma in a lasting way

🎯 Mental health stigma refers to the bad things that are associated with a mental health struggles. For example, if you prefer to say you...

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Diversity and Inclusion

Racism in housing

This piece is part of a series on systemic racism that’s a small part of Hive Learning’s Inclusion Works program. Here’s why we encourage...

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3 (1)

Diversity and Inclusion

Racism in healthcare

This piece is part of a series on systemic racism that’s a small part of Hive Learning’s Inclusion Works program. Here’s why we encourage...

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Diversity and Inclusion

Racism in education

This piece is part of a series on systemic racism that’s a small part of Hive Learning’s Inclusion Works program. Here’s why we encourage...

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Diversity and Inclusion

Racism in cultural representation and the media

This piece is part of a series on systemic racism that’s a small part of Hive Learning’s Inclusion Works program. Here’s why we encourage...

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Diversity and Inclusion

Racism in criminal justice

This piece is part of a series on systemic racism that’s a small part of Hive Learning’s Inclusion Works program. Here’s why we encourage...

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Racial Bias in Hiring Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Racial bias in hiring: How to make hiring more equitable for Black professionals

In 2017, a study found that discrimination in recruitment against Black professionals hadn’t improved in 25 years.

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Employee First blog banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Putting Employees First Puts the Company First

An Exclusive Interview with Adelmise Warner, Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion for Sirius XM and Pandora

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Arts, Culture & Justice Blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

The state of DEI 2020-2021

2020 changed the way we work. COVID-19 turned whole industries on their heads overnight and took a huge toll on people’s personal lives. When...

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Psycological Safety Blog - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Psychological Safety: The Path to Inclusion and Innovation

An Exclusive Interview with Tim Clark, founder and CEO of Leader Factor, a consultancy that offers elegant, practical, and powerful performance...

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Privilege and power blog banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Privilege and Power: Pass the Mic

An Exclusive Interview with Yari Blanco, Senior Manager of Culture and Diversity at The Wing

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Innovative Culture - Banner


Power of gratitude in building an innovative culture

💊 Does conflict in innovation processes need to come at a cost in the workplace? At work, we get to come together as teams and, as a...

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Leadership Skill blog - Banner


New leadership skills for 2021

If you want to download the full report and share it with your colleagues, get the PDF here:

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Mental Health glossary Banner

Mental Health

Your mental health glossary

In this glossary you’ll find explanations of the most common mental health issues in the Western world accompanied by stats and essential...

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Unconcious bias - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Primer on unconscious bias

📌 We’re all biased Yep, that’s right. We all have biases. These biases are deep-seated assumptions we make about people who are...

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Navigating Stigma blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Navigate a colleague’s return to work after a leave of absence

🙇 Navigating stigma around extended leaves of absence Asking for a leave of absence is in itself anxiety-inducing. Why?

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White Fragility Book Review Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Book Review: White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo

Seven years after coining the phrase white fragility, Robin DiAngelo unpacks her uncomfortable but game-changing concept.

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Book Review Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Book Review: The Person You Mean to Be by Dolly Chugh

This book will help you have difficult and bolder conversations, confront uncomfortable truths and not be afraid to talk about race as long as...

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Mental Health

Manage your stress

As England heads back into lockdown, many are concerned about how the stricter rules will affect their mental health and the wellbeing of those...

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Underrepresented Group Blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

It’s Time to Make Inclusion Inclusive: Why Tackling One Underrepresented Group Won’t Work

An Exclusive Interview with Toby Mildon, Diversity and Inclusion Architect at Mildon.

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Product releases 2021 news Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

It’s a racist society and we can’t ‘just live in it’

Antiracism is actively doing your part to understand, identify and change problems that contribute to racial injustice.

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Diversity and Inclusion

Is digital DEI here to stay

If you want to download the full report and share it with your colleagues, get the PDF here:

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Gender Pay Gaps - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Introduction to gender pay gaps and pay parity

You may have heard the terms “gender pay gap” and “pay parity” used interchangeably – but they really are not the same thing.

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Inclusive Workplace - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Inclusive workplace: noise and deep work

👩‍💻 Think about noise & deep work Offices can be noisy, distracting places. Are you setting your team up with the environment they need...

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Diversity and Inclusion

How we unwittingly leave people behind

On the surface, the word marginalised means to be pushed out to the edges — the opposite of inclusion. Of course, none of us would put others...

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Marginalise - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

How we unwittingly exclude and marginalize

On the surface, the word marginalized means to be pushed out to the edges — the opposite of inclusion. Of course, none of us would put others...

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How to talk about race & ethnicity blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

How to talk about race & ethnicity

Words matter. That’s why we’ve outlined some useful terminology when talking about race and ethnicity to help make you feel more confident...

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Diversity and Inclusion

How to talk about disability (and what not to say)

Let’s be real: it can be really tough to talk about disabilities, especially at work. But when we avoid talking about this important part of...

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D & I in 2020 - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

How to start the conversation about D&I in 2020

🤐 One of the major stumbling blocks to building a diverse and inclusive team is that diversity itself so often goes unspoken in the corporate...

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How to self educate blog Banner Image

Diversity and Inclusion

How to self-educate & ideal starting resources

This forms part of our ‘How to be antiracist’ pathway in our Inclusion Works programme. For this pathway, we’ve made a conscious decision...

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How to be an antiracist Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

How to identify & discuss things you want to change

This forms part of our ‘How to be antiracist’ pathway in our Inclusion Works programme. For this pathway, we’ve made a conscious decision...

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Culture Add vs Culture Fit - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

How to hire for culture add vs culture fit

Aubrey Blanche, Head of Diversity and Belonging at Atlassian, calls ‘culture fit’ one of the worst talent concepts that have ever been...

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How to create diversity programme - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

How to create a Diversity Programme that changes culture from today

Last week Starbucks closed 8,000 of its US stores to give 175,000 employees racial bias training. But Harvard Research proves that traditional...

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Socially Inclusive Environment - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

How to build a socially inclusive environment

43% of employees say that their office is dominated by cliques. Cliques are groups that develop exclusive social practices.

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Business Case for D & I Blog - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

How to build a business case for D&I at your company

Buying a branded ping-pong table or getting 15 types of bagels for breakfast can hardly feel comparative to a diversity and inclusion (D&I)...

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D & I Blog - banner

Diversity and Inclusion

How to advance your conversations about D&I

Conversations about diversity don’t stop at hearing about someone’s personal identity. Productive, eye-opening and fascinating conversations...

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Diversity and Inclusion Blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

How Purpose Creates Diversity and Inclusion

An Exclusive Interview with Jayne-Anne Gadhia, Founder and CEO Gadhia Group

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Network Inclusive Blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

How Inclusive is Your Network

An Exclusive Interview with Dr. Zella King, Co-Founder of Personal Boardroom

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Diversity and Inclusion

How diversity, equity and inclusion became a C-Suite priority

If you want to download the full report and share it with your colleagues, get the PDF here:

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Sun Life Blog - Banner img

Diversity and Inclusion

How 2020 created new dimensions and priorities in DEI

2020 threw plenty of curveballs at organizations and DEI teams. COVID-19 created new and urgent people needs while putting many companies on...

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Ideation Blog - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Hear everyone when you ideate

You may have heard that the ideation stage of innovation is about quantity over quality. But it’s also about having divergent ideas.

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Diversity and Inclusion

George the Poet on youth violence, representation and the limitations of government

This discussion guide is designed to get you and your colleagues learning and talking about racism and the Black British experience. This guide...

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Diversity and Inclusion

Everything You Need to Know About Financial Inclusion

An Exclusive Interview with Asesh Sarkar, Global CEO and Co-founder at Salary Finance, and Dhiren Master, Chief Marketing Officer at Salary...

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Dos & Don't for Inclusive Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Dos & Don’ts for Inclusive 1:1s

🤝 Enhance a culture of inclusion with winning conversations When done well, one-to-one (1:1) meetings and conversations are an incredible...

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Decor & Symbol - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Does your workplace have exclusive decor and symbols?

Your decor may unwittingly send a symbolic message about who belongs in your business – and who doesn’t. Take a critical eye to what’s on...

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Politics Work blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Does politics have a place at work?

Politics can be extremely divisive. It drives a wedge between families — the kind of wedge that quickly scuppers productivity and employee...

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Awareness Weeks - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Do awareness weeks pay lip service to DEI?

Awareness days, weeks and months like International Women’s Day and Black History Month aim to bring certain demographics into our everyday...

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Inclusive Culture - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity ‘training’ doesn’t work: 3 ways to create a more inclusive culture

According to a recent McKinsey and Company report on Why Diversity Matters, companies that achieve gender diversity on their executive teams are...

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Talking about diversity Blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Your A-Z D&I Glossary

Our uncertainty of the right words to use to talk about diversity and inclusion can be paralysing. Most of us are worried we’ll handle it...

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Designing Antiracist Policies Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Designing antiracist policies & norms at work

This forms part of our ‘How to be antiracist’ pathway in our Inclusion Works programme. For this pathway, we’ve made a conscious decision...

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Designing a Beautiful and Accessible Workspace

An Exclusive Interview with Ed Warner, Founder & CEO at Motionspot.

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Defy Stereotypes Blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Defy stereotypes: I am, but I am not

This is an Inclusion Works Workout — an interactive session guide to help teams foster a more inclusive culture. We’re sharing this Workout...

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Culture Fit Blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

“Culture Fit” is a Bad Fit for Creating an Inclusive Work Culture

An Exclusive Interview with Aubrey Blanche, Head of Diversity and Belonging at Atlassian

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Check your privilege Banner Image

Diversity and Inclusion

Check your privilege

Writing in the seminal Privilege, Power, and Difference, Allan G. Johnson states that the flip side to every privilege is oppression.

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Inclusion starts with Empathy - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Building Inclusion Starts with Empathy

How often do you interact with people that are completely different from you? Stepping into someone else’s shoes can be an eye-opening and...

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Build vulnerability - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Build vulnerability, it’s easier than you think

Vulnerability in leadership has been in vogue for ages and scholars agree it is a key ingredient in psychological safety. But how can we set...

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Inclusion Works banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Boost honesty at exit interviews

🤦 Most companies fail at making departures constructive. This is a major missed opportunity to gather feedback that can help you be better,...

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Conversation in Cafeteria blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Book Review: Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? And Other Conversations About Race by Beverly Daniel-Tatum

Beverly Daniel-Tatum’s first edition of Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? And Other Conversations About Race...

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LGBTQ+ Blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Being LGBTQ+ Inclusive In the Modern Workplace: Why ‘Caring’ Isn’t Enough

An Exclusive Interview with Vessy Tasheva, Diversity and Inclusion Consultant

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Privilege Blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Are you privileged?

This is part one of a four-part series about privilege. If will help you understand examples of privileges, the barriers that exist for people...

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Workplace Stereotypes - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Understanding workplace stereotypes: “too old”

Agesim, the “last acceptable prejudice”, isn’t just a simple brain blip like some cognitive biases. But like gender and race, age is an...

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Check your privilege Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Afua Hirsch on The Question

This discussion guide is designed to get you and your colleagues learning and talking about racism and the Black British experience. This guide...

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Evaluate your inner circle Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Affinity bias and you: Evaluate your inner circle

This is an Inclusion Works Workout — an interactive session guide to help teams foster a more inclusive culture. We’re sharing this Workout...

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Questions about Antiracism Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Addressing common questions about antiracism

This forms part of our ‘How to be antiracist’ pathway in our Inclusion Works programme. For this pathway, we’ve made a conscious decision...

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A conversation Guide blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

A conversation guide

In light of the murder of George Floyd and the protests happening around the country, we’d encourage you to ask your Black colleagues how they...

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Inclusive Interviews - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

7 must-dos for inclusive interviews

We’ve all had that experience of interviewing someone and immediately hitting it off. Perhaps you went to the same university, or have the...

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Reparation blog banner

Diversity and Inclusion

#6: Reparations

This discussion guide is designed to get you and your colleagues learning and talking about racism. This guide forms part of a six-week Black...

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Reel Representation - Blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

5 things not to say to people with invisible illnesses

Let’s face it, we can all get a bit tongue-tied when talking about disabilities or chronic illnesses. We so desperately want to be supportive...

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Workplace Environment - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

5 step guide to creating a more inclusive workplace environment

Is your workspace welcoming and enabling to all? Your workspace has an important role to play in inclusion. Your physical environment sends a...

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Arts, Culture & Justice Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

#5: Arts, Culture & Justice

This discussion guide is designed to get you and your colleagues learning and talking about racism. This guide forms part of a six-week Black...

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Psychological Safety at workplace Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

4 top tips to build psychological safety in your workplace

Psychological safety is about not being afraid to make a mistake and is predicated on the principles of learning from your errors, recognizing...

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Secret Weapons Blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

4 Secret Weapons for Building a Culture of Inclusion

Jackie Glenn is the former Chief Diversity Officer of EMC Corporation, Dell, author of Lift as I Climb: An Immigrant Girl’s Journey Through...

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Supporting Parental Leave - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

4 point checklist for supporting parental leave

A raft of research shows that parents in the workplace accomplish more and make better leaders. They are more likely to trust their instincts,...

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America's enduring caste system banner

Diversity and Inclusion

#4: Isabel Wilkerson on America’s enduring caste system

This discussion guide is designed to get you and your colleagues learning and talking about racism. This guide forms part of a six-week Black...

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Cognitive Bias Blog - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

3 top reasons behind cognitive bias

Take a moment to look at the photo below and, as quickly as you can, imagine an answer to these three questions: 💼 What sort of job does...

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Microaggresion Blog - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

3 simple steps to stop a microaggression

🎁 Bonus resource for podcast listeners: if you heard Daisy Auger-Dominguez’s story about how her leadership team turned a microaggression...

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Diversity and Inclusion

3 steps to de-bias your feedback

🙅 Biased feedback gets in the way of fair career progression You’re probably already well aware of the power of feedback. Constructive...

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Conversation about D & I blog - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

How to start the conversation about D&I at work

Words matter 🗣️ Of course, the way we talk about diversity and inclusion is ever-evolving. No one’s blaming anyone for being uncertain...

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Antiracist blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

#3: Dr Brené Brown and Dr Ibram X. Kendi on how to be antiracist

This discussion guide is designed to get you and your colleagues learning and talking about racism. This guide forms part of a six-week Black...

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Future of DEI Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

2021 and the future of DEI

2020 threw plenty of curveballs at organizations and DEI teams. COVID-19 created new and urgent people needs while putting many companies on...

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Dimensions of Diversity - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

2 main dimensions of diversity

What makes you you? Probably too many things to count. Our identities are complex. Put groups of people together and you’ll find all sorts...

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Criminal Justice System Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

#2: 13TH (film) on racism in the criminal justice system

This discussion guide is designed to get you and your colleagues learning and talking about racism. This guide forms part of a six-week Black...

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Diversity and Inclusion

11 step approach to creating a more inclusive culture

💪 We are happiest and perform best when we can be ourselves, because we all want to be valued for who we are. An inclusive culture is one...

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Blog on win Hearts & Minds - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

#1: Beverly Daniel-Tatum on passive racism vs active racism

This discussion guide is designed to get you and your colleagues learning and talking about racism. This guide forms part of a six-week Black...

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Black Lives Matter Blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

How to have smoother conversations about Black Lives Matter

World news has focused on the murder of George Floyd, the riots, and the systemic oppression and racism that continues in the United States.

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App for Social Care workers Banner


Hive Learning launches dedicated app for social care workers

At Hive Learning, our peer learning platform brings together millions of people every day to learn, collaborate, swap challenges and share...

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D & I Leaders 2020 - Banner


UK’s Most Influential D&I Leaders – 2020

2020 has been a transformative year for many of us. That’s especially true for those of us working in the diversity and inclusion space.

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North America's Influential D&I Leaders Banner


North America’s Most Influential D&I Leaders – 2020

For those working in the diversity and inclusion space, 2020 has been a transformative year. We’re facing a global pandemic that constantly...

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Compassion to Coworkers Banner


Build back better: accelerating out of Covid-19 and into the new world of work

As countries emerge from lockdown and some tentatively dip back in, it’s clear that organizations that weathered the storm are readying...

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Hiring Process Blog - Banner Image

Diversity and Inclusion

PREVIEW: How to strip bias out of your hiring process

Kaleidoscope from Hive Learning is a guided inclusion programme, designed to help leaders and managers build a more inclusive culture starting...

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Critical Agility Blog Banner


In Conversation: Sir Clive Woodward and Charles Mindenhall on why agility is critical to accelerate out of the crisis

We recently brought together World Cup-winning Coach, Sir Clive Woodward, and Charles Mindenhall, Co-founder of Blenheim Chalcot, the UK’s...

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Leaders Mindsets blog Banner


In Conversation: Sir Clive Woodward and Charles Mindenhall on the mindsets leaders need in crises

We recently brought together World Cup-winning Coach, Sir Clive Woodward, and Charles Mindenhall, Co-founder of Blenheim Chalcot, the UK’s...

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Charles Mindenhall Conversation Banner


In Conversation: Sir Clive Woodward and Charles Mindenhall on success from setbacks

We recently brought together World Cup-winning Coach, Sir Clive Woodward, and Charles Mindenhall, Co-founder of Blenheim Chalcot, the UK’s...

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In Conversation: Sir Clive Woodward and Charles Mindenhall on lessons for big business in times of crisis

We recently brought together World Cup-winning Coach, Sir Clive Woodward, and Charles Mindenhall, Co-founder of Blenheim Chalcot, the UK’s...

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Learning Management system - Banner


Why your CEO will never use your LMS (and what to do about it)

When Deloitte surveyed several hundred business and HR professionals in 2017, corporate L&D received a net-promoter score of -8. That’s as bad...

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Toxic Masculinity - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Why “toxic masculinity“ matters

“Toxic masculinity” and man box culture impact everything by implying or insisting that there is one “right” way to be a man.

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Diversity and Inclusion

If unconscious bias training doesn’t work, what’s the alternative?

Unconscious bias training is infamous in the diversity, equity and inclusion world and is fast becoming well known outside of those circles too.

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Productivity & Growth Tool - Banner

Learning Strategy

Why no app will rule them all

Finding the right tools to drive productivity and growth has always been a challenge for businesses. But back in 2016, Deloitte’s Human...

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In conversation: Sir Clive Woodward and Charles Mindenhall on maintaining connectivity from a distance:

We recently brought together World Cup-winning Coach, Sir Clive Woodward, and Charles Mindenhall, Co-founder of Blenheim Chalcot, the UK’s...

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Flexible Working - Banner


How to support flexible working

Implementing a flexible working policy is a part of having reasonable adjustments that help employers understand a “substantial...

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Inclusion Works Blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Why it’s the glass wall, not the glass ceiling, we need to crack

With just 6 female CEOs on the FTSE350, it’s clear that women are still under-represented in the executive suite – especially in tech. But...

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Onboarding of Black Collegues Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

How to make your onboarding more inclusive for your Black colleagues

Onboarding is a word straight out of the HR glossary. But welcoming a new hire isn’t only the responsibility of the HR department or the...

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Diversity is Broken Img

Diversity and Inclusion

Why the word ‘diversity’ is blocking our progress

“Culture Fit is one of the worst talent concepts that’s ever been invented. I genuinely cannot understand why we would invent a concept that...

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Learning Resource - Banner

Learning Strategy

Why 90% of learning resources never get used

Engaging employees with learning content is a challenge that many of the CEOs and HR Directors we speak to face. Whether it’s compliance based...

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How not to lose your job to an algorithm (Pt.1)

The robots are coming, but that’s no bad thing. According to Gartner research, by 2020 AI will create more jobs than it replaces. Whether...

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Girl on a Path

Learning Strategy

What leaders can learn about change from Netflix, Duolingo and Strava

Over the past decade, technology has transformed the way we live; our watches are changing our health patterns, apps on our phone are changing...

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Core challenger quadrant blog banner Img


Legal and General and Hive Learning win the Gold Award for ‘Best use of social and collaborative learning technologies’ at the 2021 Learning Technologies Awards

London, 24th November 2021: Hive Learning was recognized alongside Legal and General for their work embedding behaviors at scale over the...

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Learning Technology Awards Blog Banner


Hive Learning and Place2Be shortlisted for 2022 Learning Technologies Award for ‘Best learning technologies project - public & non-profit’

London, 2nd November 2022: Place2Be and Hive Learning have been shortlisted for the 2022 Learning Technologies award for ‘Best learning...

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Wins Gold Award in 2022 blog Banner


Sun Life Financial and Hive Learning win the Gold Award for ‘Best Advance in Diversity and Inclusion Innovation’ at the 2021 Brandon Hall Excellence in Technology Awards

Tampa, Florida 10th December 2021: Hive Learning and their client Sun Life Financial were awarded the gold award for ‘Best Advance in...

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Wins Gold Award in 2022 blog Banner


Hive Learning wins Gold Award for ‘Best Advance in Diversity and Inclusion Innovation’ for work with UKG at the 2022 Brandon Hall Excellence in Technology Awards

London, 14th December 2022: Hive Learning is proud to announce it has won the Gold Award for ‘Best Advance in Diversity and Inclusion...

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Business Culture Awards blog Banner


Hive Learning win ‘Best Learning Initiative for Business Culture’ at the Business Culture Awards

London, 15th November 2019: Hive Learning was recognised alongside a major client for their work in unleashing the power of digital social...

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Learning Organisation of the year banner


Hive Learning together with Babcock’s DST business win bronze for 2021 Learning Awards’ Learning Platform of the Year

Hive Learning, the world’s leading peer learning platform, and Babcock’s Defence Systems Technology (DST) business have won the bronze award...

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Learning Technology Awards Blog Banner


Hive Learning together with Babcock DST shortlisted for Learning Technologies Awards 2020

21 September, London / New York: Babcock DST — a leading provider of critical, complex engineering services — and Hive Learning — the...

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Diversity and Inclusion

Trump canceled diversity training. Does he have a point?

Over the past few weeks, diversity training has come under attack. And not just by a handful of reluctant corporate employees — by politicians...

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Mental Health Drop blog Banner

Mental Health

Top 4 reasons not to let mental health drop off the radar

Have you talked about mental health with a close friend or colleague recently? At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, mental health came...

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Top 10 talks we’re excited about at HRD Summit UK

With the HRD Summit UK taking place next week in Birmingham, here’s a rundown of the sessions we’re determined not to miss. See you there!

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Learning Technology Awards Blog Banner


Hive Learning shortlisted for two Learning Technologies Awards

Hive Learning are excited to be shortlisted alongside not one, but TWO, of our esteemed partners in the ‘Best use of social and collaborative...

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Thinking about people blog Banner Image

Diversity and Inclusion

This Got Us Thinking: Why the backlash in supporting Black History Month?

Recently, Sainsbury’s published a Tweet demonstrating their support for this year’s Black History Month in the UK: While many supported...

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Diversity and Inclusion

This Got Us Thinking when will D&I work pay the employees on the ground

D&I is undeniably important for businesses. But are the employees that drive it fairly compensated? At our August panel discussion Race,...

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Mental Health

This Got Us Thinking: what if working from home isn’t a Utopia for all?

Here at Hive Learning we’ve been working from home since mid March. While not without its challenges, we’ve been able to adapt well to...

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Mental Health Crisis Banner

Mental Health

This Got Us Thinking: what if we’re on the edge of a mental health crisis?

The Covid-19 crisis has hit us all hard, and the effects on businesses and individuals have been plain to see. Here at Hive Learning, we’ve...

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LPI's Learning Award blog Banner


Hive Learning shortlisted for four awards at the Business Culture Awards and Learning Technologies Awards 2019

11 September, London / New York: Hive Learning — the peer learning platform that radically accelerates innovation, collaboration and...

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First East Coast Office NY banner


Hive Learning opens first East Coast office in New York

Hive Learning already has a global client base we’re really proud of, with users in almost every country in the world. And today we’re...

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Inclusion Works Frontline Banner


Hive Learning launches the Inclusion Works Leaders Network — a digital community for D&I leaders

19 November 2019, London / New York: Hive Learning — the peer learning platform that radically accelerates innovation, collaboration and...

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Inclusion Works Frontline Banner


Hive Learning launches Inclusion Works FRONTLINE pulse report: The challenge with diversity fatigue and how to overcome it.

2 December 2019, London / New York: Hive Learning — the peer learning platform that radically accelerates innovation, collaboration and...

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Fosway Group 2019


Hive Learning earns Solid Performer status on the 2019 Fosway 9-Grid™

29th January 2019, London / New York: Hive Learning, the digital partner for putting change into action, has been ranked in the Solid Performer...

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Learning Tech 2019 Banner


Hive Learning customers share advice on achieving impact from tech spend fast at Learning Technologies 2019

Hive Learning will showcase insight into how organisations can see the impact from digital learning and change programmes in weeks, not years,...

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Gender Equality Blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

This Got Us Thinking: what does Covid-19 mean for gender equality?

As the UK hustled into lockdown in mid March, we all knew things would change, be put on hold or cancelled altogether. Later that month, the...

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Thinking about people blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

This Got Us Thinking what do you do about people that have it all wrong

On Tuesday July 7th, 150 signatories put their name to an open letter calling for the end of cancel culture and ideological conformity.

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How to self educate blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

This got us thinking the rise in anti-Semitic rhetoric

Recently grime artist Wiley appeared in the news after posting a number of anti-Semitic Tweets. After severe backlash from the public and a...

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Blog on win Hearts & Minds

Diversity and Inclusion

This Got Us Thinking should you give up on winning hearts and minds

In matters of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), we’re often told we need to win hearts and minds. The message is that if you make...

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Learning Organisation of the year banner


Hive Learning awarded Learning Technologies’ Learning Organisation of the Year

28 November, London / New York: Hive Learning — the peer learning platform that radically accelerates innovation, collaboration and inclusion...

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Reel Representation - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

This Got Us Thinking: is this reel representation?

The Star Wars saga might have more intergalactic species than most films, but its human cast members haven’t always been very diverse. The...

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Learning Technology Awards Blog Banner


Hive Learning are proud D&I sponsors of the Business Culture Awards as part of their mission to build a more inclusive world

Hive Learning is proud to be the official D&I sponsor of the upcoming Business Culture Awards on 14 November 2019 in London.

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LPI's Learning Award blog Banner


Hive Learning are finalists at the LPI’s Learning Awards

We’re excited to be finalists for ‘External Learning Solution of the Year’ in the prestigious Learning and Performance...

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Diversity and Inclusion

This got us thinking: How does racism affect mental health and access to care?

Over the summer several articles discussed how psychological wounds reopened for Black people following the Black Lives Matter movement.

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Gold Learning Tech Awards - Banner


Hive Learning and Halma plc take home gold at 2018 Learning Technologies Awards

London, 22nd November 2018: Halma plc, a global group of life-saving technology companies, and digital partner, Hive Learning, have been...

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Culture Racism uncomfortable Truths Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

This Got Us Thinking: how do you address uncomfortable truths

At Hive Learning we’ve been hosting weekly informal talks about systemic racism, the Black Lives Matter movement and the legacy of slavery.

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Diversity and Inclusion

This Got Us Thinking: How do we confront the gaps in our Black history education?

In June this year, writer and broadcaster Afua Hirsch wrote a thought-provoking article in Vogue magazine about the gaps in our education when...

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Diversity and Inclusion

Harnessing the power of Black Lives Matter to create lasting change

Black Lives Matter began as a hashtag in 2013. It has grown into a decentralized, galvanizing and exacting tour de force. Now a movement with...

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Blog on Flawed Artist

Diversity and Inclusion

This Got Us Thinking: can we still appreciate the work of flawed artists?

Once called the King of RnB, R. Kelly is now widely reviled following charges of sexual abuse and accusations that span two decades. His music...

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Culture of Peer Learning Banner

Learning Strategy

The journey from reader to leader: How to create a culture of peer learning digitally

Most L&D and HR people are familiar with social and collaborative learning, but the question on everyone’s mind is – does it actually work?...

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Strategy in corporate - Banner


The go-to strategies in corporate change and why they fail

Behaviour change is at the heart of all business transformation. But knowing how to achieve that change has become a multi-billion pound...

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The Learning Awards


Halma and Hive Learning win Silver for ‘External Learning Solution of the Year’ at 2019 Learning Awards

London / New York, 8 February 2019: Halma plc, a global group of life-saving technology companies, and digital partner, Hive Learning, have won...

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Sun Life Blog - Banner


Sun Life launches Inclusion Works by Hive Learning to advance DEI globally

10 November, London / New York: Sun Life has become the first insurer to launch a digital learning platform to global employees to advance...

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Skill learning leaders - Banner


Three killer skills learning leaders need to succeed

The digital learning industry is changing rapidly. Learning strategy has become less learner-fed and more learner-led, as organisations...

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Think Alike blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Great minds don’t think alike

Companies with more inclusive teams outperform their peers by 80% in team-based assessments, according to Deloitte.

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Hiring Practice Blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Four ways to strip bias from your hiring practice

It’s impossible to strip people of their biases. Deeply ingrained in us from a young age, even when we become aware of our bias and have an...

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How business can survive - Banner


Sir Clive Woodward: Why you’ll never win if you’re not learning

Hive Learning founder Sir Clive Woodward and Chief Exec Angus McCarey pool their thoughts on how businesses can survive, and thrive, in the...

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Diversity and Inclusion

Four ways to change culture fast

Most diversity and inclusion programmes don’t work. While many companies have training programmes in place, most focus solely on unconscious...

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Diversity and Inclusion

RTI International, Black Lives Matter & Lasting Change

This interview took place as part of our Inclusion Works pulse report series, looking at how organizations can harness the momentum created by...

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Recognizing the toll of stress Banner

Mental Health

Recognizing the toll of stress

Everyone feels stress from time to time. Whether it’s carrying the emotional weight of something personal, like relationship problems or...

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Fosway's 2021 Learning System Banner


Fosway 9-Grid’s™ for both Digital Learning and Learning Systems identify Hive Learning as Core Challenger in the learning technologies landscape

Hive Learning — the world’s leading peer learning platform — has entered the 2021 Fosway 9-Grid™ for Digital Learning for the first time...

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Supporting Community News Banner Img


Fosway 9-Grid™ for Learning Systems identifies Hive Learning as Core Challenger following a year of record growth

Hive Learning — the world’s leading peer learning platform — has advanced from Solid Performer to Core Challenger status on the 2021...

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Women Influencer

Diversity and Inclusion

Five of the most influential women in inclusion tell us how to #BalanceforBetter

The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day is #BalanceforBetter Over the last few months, we’ve been privileged to speak with...

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Psychological Safety Blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

PREVIEW: Build trust and psychological safety in your team

Kaleidoscope from Hive Learning is a guided inclusion programme, designed to help leaders and managers build a more inclusive culture starting...

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Podcast for D&I Leaders Banner


Press release: Hive Learning launch Inclusion Works podcast for D&I leaders struggling to put inclusion into action

London / New York, 23rd January 2019: Today sees the launch of Inclusion Works – a new podcast from Hive Learning designed to share actionable...

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Empower Your Team blog banner


Elon Musk isn’t the only reason Tesla is successful; how to empower your team and avoid burnout

Elon Musk is on the brink of burnout. Overstressed and overworked, “this past year has been the most difficult and painful year of my life,”...

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Supporting Community News Banner


Our commitments to supporting our community through Covid-19

Today I have a bittersweet announcement to make. After 6 years with the company, I am delighted to be taking the helm as CEO of Hive Learning.

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Challenging the ethnicity pay gap Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Challenging the ethnicity pay gap.

What is the ethnicity pay gap? The ethnicity pay gap shows the gap in average earnings between different ethnic groups.

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Black lives matter Banner Img

Diversity and Inclusion

Northwestern Mutual, Black Lives Matter & Lasting Change

This interview took place as part of our Inclusion Works pulse report series, looking at how organizations can harness the momentum created by...

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New York Life Blog Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

New York Life, Black Lives Matter & Lasting Change

This interview took place as part of our Inclusion Works pulse report series, looking at how organizations can harness the momentum created by...

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Inclusion Works Pulse Report Banner


New industry report from Hive Learning finds that D&I leaders think unconscious bias training is ineffective at building a more inclusive culture

4 March 2020, London / New York: Hive Learning — the peer learning platform for building culture-critical skills at scale — surveyed D&I...

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Netflix black lives matter

Diversity and Inclusion

Netflix, Black Lives Matter & Lasting Change

This interview took place as part of our Inclusion Works pulse report series, looking at how organizations can harness the momentum created by...

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Modern Workplace for LBGTQ+

Diversity and Inclusion

Being LBGTQ+ Inclusive in the Modern Workplace: Why ‘caring’ isn’t enough

It’s Monday and you’re at work. Your colleague asks “How was your weekend?” You think about your weekend, carefully filtering the...

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BAE System Blog

Diversity and Inclusion

BAE Systems, Black Lives Matter & Lasting Change

This interview took place as part of our Inclusion Works pulse report series, looking at how organizations can harness the momentum created by...

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Black Lives Matter movement

Diversity and Inclusion

Accenture, Black Lives Matter & Lasting Change

This interview took place as part of our Inclusion Works pulse report series, looking at how organizations can harness the momentum created by...

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Message From CEO news Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

A message from our CEO in these turbulent times

We have watched the news of the murders of George Floyd, Ahmad Arbery, Breonna Taylor and many more unfold with horror. We have felt anger and...

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Prevent Sexula Harassement - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

8 tips to prevent sexual harassment within your team

Nearly half of working women in the U.S. say they have experienced harassment in the workplace – yet 80% of these victims never report this...

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Blog on Invisible Disability - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

7 ways to be more inclusive of people with invisible disabilities

It’s thought that invisible disabilities, also known as hidden or unseen disabilities, account for 96% of chronic medical conditions. But...

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Most Influential D&I Leaders – 2019

Studies show that bringing together a team with a diverse set of backgrounds and perspectives naturally lends itself to innovative thinking....

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HRD Summit Events US Banner


5 unmissable events at HRD Summit US

With the HRD Summit US taking place less than one week away in Boston, here’s a rundown of the sessions we’re determined not to miss. See...

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Race diversity progress - Banner

Diversity and Inclusion

Matthew Syed and Manoj Badale on race, diversity, and how businesses can fuel progress

If you’ve been wondering how to attack systemic racism but finding it to be an invisible foe, then you’re in good company.

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Resilience and agility blog Banner


5 things we learned about building resilience and agility from a distance

The current global health crisis means it’s never been more critical to help our people build resilience, lead through change and problem...

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Diversity and Inclusion

Is racism in the UK really as bad in the US?

Bring up the Black Lives Matter movement or racism in the UK and you’ll likely see someone roll their eyes and say that the UK isn’t as...

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Diversity and Inclusion

5 main types of privilege

Behind every privilege is an imbalance of power. It’s invisible to those who possess it and ever-present for those who don’t.

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Influential Culture Leaders Blog - Banner


Most influential culture leaders to follow in 2020

We live in an age of always-on transformation. Every year, every week, every day the rate of change is accelerating and people are struggling to...

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Lasting Learning Culture News Banner


3 ways to create a lasting learning culture

There’s a compelling argument that says forced learning and training programmes that come from the top-down just don’t work. In order to get...

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International Women's Day - Banner


International Women’s Day 2020: 8 inspiring organizations making progress on gender equality

The United Nations started celebrating International Women’s Day, a focal point in the movement for women’s rights, in 1975 – sixty-five...

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Knowledge Exchange Banner


In emergencies, knowledge exchange is power

A peer of ours – Michael Brodie, Chief Executive at the NHS Business Services Authority – recently shared this article with us that he wrote...

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Learning from Past crises Banner


In Conversation: Sir Clive Woodward and Charles Mindenhall reflect on lessons from past crises

Back when companies and countries began to enter lockdown in varying stages across the globe, it seemed one of the biggest challenges our...

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Increasing connectivity Blog Banner


3 things we learned about increasing connectivity through covid-19 and beyond

In our current climate, streamlining our communications channels, helping our employees remain connected, and enabling collaboration at...

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Learn designing - Banner


3 simple steps for designing learning people LOVE

In our recent blog post, ‘Why no app will rule them all’, we talked about the downfall of the ‘Mega Hub’ — the system that does...

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3 key trends from Fosway’s 2021 Learning Systems report and why they matter

Fosway Group are Europe’s #1 HR industry analyst and their 9-Grid™ for Learning Systems report 2021 has landed.

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Diversity and Inclusion

Introducing Inclusion Works – a new podcast from Hive Learning

At Hive Learning, our focus has always been on helping organisations adopt the behaviours critical for growth.

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10 critical findings from McKinsey and LeanIn’s Women in the Workplace report

"To achieve equality, companies must turn good intentions into concrete action." That was the rallying cry from McKinsey and...

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